As part of a European Work Placement Programme, Me and a few others have been selected to go on a work programme in Copenhagen, Denmark. for 2 weeks as a taste for what life is like in Denmark for those living and working there.
As this is my first time to go to Denmark (not abroad, that's a entire different story for another day), I'll be on my best behaviour not just for the sake of my college but for the sake of myself.
The college I go to is ID Training at Westgate Community College at
Newcastle City Learning Centre in Newcastle upon Tyne.
I'll be staying at Belægningen in Avedørelejren (The Coating in Avidore) which is the hostel on an old military camp that is now being used for other purposes.
The camp is called Avidore which is 10km from Copenhagen city center. Avidore translate to Camp Paradise in english. It's a nice old camp from what I have seen on Google Maps and Google Images so far.
I have found this old photo (shown below) from PanzerJudas who has photographed them for his for archive:
©PanzerJudas. All Rights Reserved.
Being back at college now after the half-term, I'm glad to let you know that the flights have been booked and we are ready to go. Only a month to go! So keep on reading my blog since more cool stuff is about to appear here.
I will being doing floristory as a work placement for 2 weeks. I have past experience in this, so this should be no problem for me.
Now, I will not be taking my camera incase I lose it, so I will be buying one of those disposible cameras before I go. I will take lots of snaps (which I will post on here, my Facebook and elsewhere), and I will get the transfers from non-digital to digital when I return.
My dad bought me a new watch that has a camera, mobile phone and other cool stuff in it. The camera is small so it might not take wonderful pictures, which is why I originally was asking my parents for a disposible camera in the first place.
1st Day: Today, I'm at college because we are preparing to leave Newcastle Airport to head to Amsterdam Airport and then we are travelling from there by plane to Copenhagen Airport.
Arrived outside of Copenhagen Airport. Wet, tired, excited; itching to crawl into bed. Waited as a taxi pulled up, so we all jumped in and headed off to the hostel which we will all be staying in for 2 whole weeks.
I'm now writing to you all from Denmark.
I'm here in Copenhagen on a lovely work placement experience for 2 weeks. So far, this week (1st week) has went well. I've been a bit sick, but this is due to me getting used to the area.
I'm now in Denmark but it turns out that floristory will be unavailable, so I guess I will have to do something else.
I will be writing back on here soon with updates of next week before I return back to merry-old England.
2nd Day: Today, we all got up and had breakfast at the Hvidovre Bataillionen Cafe. The breakfast was simple. A nicely toasted bun, jam, butter, honey, milk, water, different varieties of tea or museli. I had a buttered bun with honey and cup of tea. Today we will be in the Media Huset designing and carving our own Pumpkins.
Here are my Pumpkins that I thought I would upload to here for you guys to see:
Here is my 1st Pumpkin (shown above)
Here is my 2nd Pumpkin (shown above)
Mine is pretty cool since I also carved my nickname, Woza, into the back of it in big capital letters.
3rd Day: Today, I've went to Tivoli Gardens, which was full of Pumpkins and Halloween-themed rides and food. Afterwards, we all went out to have a bite to eat at Cafe Phoenix before we all headed off back to the hostel.
4th Day: Today, we all went on a sight-seeing tour around Copenhagen on the "Hop On - Hop Off" bus tour. The bus tour featured some amazing landmarks and sights to see. Large corporate buildings and we also seen The Little Mermaid! It was such a nice day out. After the tour, we all went to Nyhavn (New Harbour) to have lunch at an Italian restaurant before continuing on with the tour and we all then went to Rosenborg Castle to see the jewels and other amazing stuff. It was a great experience.
5th Day: Today, we started our production workshops at Hvidvore Produktionsskole. I picked painting/handy-crafts and it seemd like a simple job, or so it seems. After the painting, we all had a meal in the hostel before heading off to bed.
So tired, but ready to get into tomorrow.
6th Day: Today, we did our workshop. Mine is painting/handy-crafts. After the day, we all headed back to the hostel to get ready for our meal out at Peder Oxe, which has waiters and waitresses dressed in old-fashioned clothing which reminds me of Beamish.
I had a lovely meal and desert. I had a fun night out.
7th Day: Today, we all went to the Den Bla Planet - Denmark National Aquarium, which has just been recently built. We all saw wild and exotic animals from creatures that live in caves to Piranhas who live deep in the Amazon Rain Forest. This fasinated me so much since I have a keen interest in science and nature.
Once we got back to the hostel, we all had a meal in and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.
8th Day: Today, we did our workshop. I'm still doing painting/handy-crafts. Although, I'm starting to get sick and tired of painting the same colour white over and over again. Still, at least I can change workshop next week.
After the day, we all headed back to the hostel to get ready for our meal out at the Hard Rock Cafe for Eleanor's 26th Birthday. The Hard Rock Cafe is next to Tivoli Gardens and opposite Copenhagen Central Station.
It was such a lovely cool place to be at. It has tons of cool rocking guitars and stuff. The waiters and waitresses got the whole restaurant to sing "Happy Birthday" for Eleanor. It was such a lovely gesture.
I had the "Red, White & Blue Burger (well-done)", a "Carlsberg Pilsner (small)" and for desert I had a "Thick Shakes Ice Cream (chocolate)". The dinner and desert was so yummy!
9th Day: Today, we did our workshop. Obviously, you know mine is painting/handy-crafts.
After the day, we all headed back to the hostel and had a meal in and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
10th Day: Today, we were all about to go to the zoo when an unexpected journey arrived from my tummy. I became very dizzy and sick.
Couldn't barely stand up; I could see the world spinning and I managed to clock a white Fiat that I think did 47 in a 40km zone! At this point, someone passing-by stopped to help me. She called for an ambulance and she gave me a blanket. Someone from a nearby alotment brought a chair for me to sit on. Such nice people in this country.
The ambulance arrived, I headed to Hvidovre Hospital with Adam Bird and Lucie Harris. Such nice support staff at ID. The medical servicemen in the ambulance were so helpful as was Adam and Lucie.
In the hospital, the doctor saw that I had no problems after he checked me over to see if there were possible signs of problems. No problems. So, he asked if he could take a blood sample too check further incase there was any problems. Still no problems, again.
The nurse came over to take a scan of my heart. She asked me to be quiet in a monotone voice. Adam, Lucie and I were laughing. I was saying to Adam and Lucie that with these electrodes stuck all over me I could end up picking up BBC 2 or ITV 1! Adam and Lucie couldn't help but laugh.
This was such a nice cultural experience, but I know I won't be doing any painting/handy-crafts tomorrow.
11th Day: Today, I had a rest inside the hostel all day. Me and Adam were watching "Cabaret" on the Danish TV channel, DR 1, while I was doing my work placement workbook.
Adam found the DVD Player on the side of the TV, so he quickly leapt up and headed over to the reception to get some DVDs for us to watch. He brought back these DVDs (listed below):
> Die Another Day
> Transformers Dark Of The Moon
> Land Of The Dead
> D-War
Me and Adam watched "Die Another Day" and then we watched "Transformers Dark Of The Moon".
Me and Adam had "Heinz Tomato Soup" with some bread for lunch. After watching "Transformers Dark Of The Moon", me and Adam decided to have a 1 hour kip before everyone came back from being out at Copenhagen Zoo.
For dinner, I took it easy by having 1 slice of pizza and a couple of chips before heading off to bed.
12th Day (start of the 2nd week): Today, I decided to try my hands at the design workshop at the Hvidovre Media Huset. I think this workshop would benefit me more. I did design with Val (ID Support Staff), Georgia (ID Support Staff), Emma V (ID Student) and Emma P (ID Student).
We designed our own 3D cardboard letters (I picked the letter J) with pictures and items from magazines scattered on the table. We stuck them down with PVA Glue.
I designed mine with Audrey Hepburn on it, so I decided to make Audrey's new house using pictures from magazines. It was so much fun.
At the top of this picture is my letter J, laying flat sideways from left to right.
After the day, we all headed back to the hostel to get ready for our meal out at Cafe Phoenix in Copenhagen.
I had a "Lazenge (kids portion size)" with a "Glass Of Water". It was a lovely meal out.
13th Day: Today, I did the design workshop. We finished up our previous designs by using PVA Glue to varnish our designs.
Afterwards, we designed our own pieces of artwork by hand which was later to be transferred to the computer digtially. Mine was then laminated.
We all headed off for lunch in the Hvidovre Cafe Bataillionen and after, we all continued with our artworks.